Monday, March 26, 2012

The human development process in peru: instrumental and end freedom aproach

This thesis aims to analyze the process of human development in Peruvian society. To achieve our goal we have relied on the theory of human development proposed by Amartya Sen. The proposal states that the development process is a process of expanding freedoms, they can be classified into two groups: (i) end freedoms, and (ii) instrumental freedoms.

The methodology involves the application of a cross-sectional econometric model (logit). Information sources are diverse, but it comes mostly from the National Household Survey (The Survey) 2006. In the econometric model, freedoms constitute the final endogenous variable, while the instrumental freedoms exogenous variables. This application will allow us to know how econometric interact both types of freedoms in our society, also, what are the most important freedoms to raise the level of human development in the country.

According to Sen, the late liberties are many, but there are three basic freedoms end: (i) longevity, (ii) nutrition, and (iii) literacy. With these three freedoms we create an index, which we call end Liberties Index (ILF) is the same as the endogenous variable of the model. For its part, the instrumental freedoms, which also may be many, are arranged in three groups: (a) social freedoms, (b) economic freedoms and (c) political freedoms.

In the following the regression:

The full study can be consulted in the library of the Faculty of Economics at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

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